Development of a communication platform, concept and implementation of a brand launch on Kazakh market. Activation campaign and opening of the first restaurant in Almaty.
Communication platform and ad campaigns development. Design and production of materials and blueprints for adaptations.
Product communication development: key visuals, copyright. Design of bank services interfaces on the bank’s site.
Platform development, OLV & TVC development and production, key visuals development, and adaptations.
Brand image update communication development and production, digital projects, naming.
Development and support of a website for volunteers, rebranding, brand identity development, packaging, and merchandise branding.
Video ads for new models development and production.
Development of identity and campaign for residential complex.
New product launch communication development, production and placement.
Development of identity, rules and templates for work, redesign of the website and other communication materials.
New brand development, and advertising campaigns development and production.
Development and production of communication materials
Packaging development, digital activation and event production.
Logo redesign and brand book development.
Graphic platform and guidelines for product communications, including templates and campaigns, streamline advertising for the bank and its subsidiaries.
Product communication and tools development and production.
Web-site renovation.
New model and product launch communication campaigns development for Toyota and Lexus in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
Logo, identity and brand book development for the Kazakhstani branch of Business Car holding (Toyota Zhetisu and Lexus dealerships).
Communication platform development, design, and production of materials for tactical campaigns.
Big events management, adaptation, and production of ad and trade materials. Logo and key visual development for events.
Carrying out and supporting brand promotions for the Kazakhstan market, developing and producing advertising materials, and media placement.
Communication platform. Design ideas and key visuals for product communication. Materials design, media development, and production.
Non-standard presentational materials; events development and running, show-room decor, ad development, and placement.
Event development and management. Print, audio, online ads design and production. Regular print materials design and production. Show-room design and installations.
Corporate identity, communication platform, print, audio, and video advertising, SMM for a development company.
Communication platform. Design ideas and key visuals for product communication. Materials design, media development, and production.
Key visuals development and adaptation, promo materials design for cosmetics and household chemicals brands.
Brand launch in local market. Key visuals development and copyright. Regular materials design. Ad development, production, and placement.
Ad campaigns concept development, key visuals, materials design, and copyright, digital and print materials production.